

Joe Biden won Hawaii in 2020 by an even 30 points in 2-party vote share. Every county in the state favored Biden, and the only island within the state to vote against Biden was Niihau in the far west (albeit with only 43 votes for Trump total). Republican strength was the most concentrated on the western end of Oahu outside of Honolulu, and Democratic strength in Honolulu, East Honolulu, and Hilo

Going west to east, Kauai County is home to the islands of Kauai and Niihau, and it's main city is Lihue. Biden won it by 29 points. Niihau, while not giving Biden any votes, only gave Trump 43 votes total, so Kauai Island dictated the margins

Honolulu County comprises the island of Oahu, and Biden won it by 27 points. Despite not having favorable geography throughout most of the states, Republicans managed to win precincts around 'Ewa, Waianae, and along the north shore. The north shore and 'Ewa Villages are home to the state's two Republicans in the State Senate

Maui County is home to three populated islands: Maui, Lana'i, and Molokai. Molokai is also home to a small county, Kalawao. The duo of Kalawao and Maui voted for Biden by 36 points, with Kalawao having formerly been the most Democratic county in the nation in 2016

The big island of Hawaii (Hawaii County) favored Joe Biden by a 37 point margin in 2020. The large communities of Hilo and Waimea turned out heavily for him, whereas the more white and tourism-centric parts of the island favored Trump comparatively more so. Trump only won one small precinct outside of Hilo by 4 votes

Hawaii's HD 47 sits along Oahu's northern shore, and is among the most competitive seats in the chamber. Biden managed to win it by 5 points in 2020, with his margin coming primarily from the western end of the seat. The military has a strong presence in this district, which gives Republicans a boost on an otherwise unfavorable island